4 Ways for Mums to Create Some ‘Me’ Time

Having a baby certainly is a life-changing experience, and during those first few years it feels like you will never have any time to yourself.  It is very important, however, for mothers to create a schedule that includes some ‘me’ time – moments when you can relax, unwind, and take a deep breath. Having time daily for you to de-stress and take care of yourself will ultimately help you be a better mother. Here are a 4 ways for mums to create some ‘me’ time:

4 Ways for Mums to Create Some 'Me' Time

  1. Utilize Your Resources
    If you are living with your partner or spouse, it is vital you use all hands in the house.  Schedule a few moments when you can be alone and allow the other partner to take over for a while. It is a great time for dads to have quality time with the kids too. If you are a single mum, network with other single women to share babysitting duties so that each of you get some personal time. Also, if you are joining a gym, club, or recreation center; choose one that also offers daycare for a built in safety net.  Don’t forget about grandparents, aunts, and uncles too- they’d probably love to spend some time with your little ones.
  2. Pick Your Priorities
    As time is limited, it important to take a moment to figure out what is a top priority for your ‘me’ time.  If it’s taking a bath and reading a book, getting some time to surf the web, having a cup of tea, getting some exercise, or spending quality time with your partner- treat that moment with same regimented attitude as you would with meeting your baby’s needs.  It has to happen, so therefore, there has to be time for it.
  3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
    Yes, everyone likes a tidy house and to try to keep up on laundry duty before the dirty clothes pile turns into a mountain.  But, it’s also important to keep in mind that there will always be a dish to be cleaned and clothes to be washed and if you have a few quiet moments during the day like while your baby is napping don’t worry about the housework- it can always wait until later.
  4. Let Go of the Guilt
    It can feel like being between a rock and a hard place: you know you need to de-stress yet you feel guilty about taking time for yourself.  It is vital to be aware of the signs of mommy burnout.  After some quality time alone you will notice how much better you feel and your kids will too.  Proper scheduling can also help lessen the guilt, like scheduling a girls’ night out after the kids have gone to bed or lunch dates during nap time.  In addition, if you know you will be going out that night, have a fun outing with your child during the day like going to the park.   Work on letting go of the guilt, you give your child lots of love and it’s important to give some to yourself too.
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